What are age spots?

Age spots, also known as liver spots or sun spots are spots on the skin surface. They are typically found on the face, shoulders, hands, or arms. They are usually flat and are brown. Sometimes they might appear like freckles due to their grouping over a place.

They are commonly found in adults who are above 50. But sometimes they can also happen to the younger people. Age spots do not go on their own and need treatment.

Cause of early age spots

The primary reason for age spots to happen is the increased amount of sun exposure. Spending too much time in the sun leads to an increased amount of melanin production.

Melanin, which is a pigment inside the human body, is responsible for skin color. Melanin protects the skin from harmful UV rays. So when the skin is exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun, as a defense mechanism, it leads to more melanin secretion. Therefore age spots are more common in people having a lighter skin color.

How to get rid of age spots naturally?

 You don’t always need to consult a dermatologist for curing age spots. There are several natural ingredients in Ayurveda that have been used for centuries to get rid of spots and pigmentation.

Here are the top 10 natural that can help you to get rid of age spots:

1. Aloe vera:

Aloe Vera has multiple enzymes and antioxidants that help to get rid of many skin issues. It is also used to get rid of age spots.

Simply, scoop the gel of an aloe vera leaf and rub on the areas having the age spots. If you don’t have an aloe vera plant, a readymade aloe vera gel of a natural and a trusted brand would also work. This method can be applied every day as many times in a day.

2. Lemon:

Lemons are rich in Vitamin C. It acts as a bleaching agent and exfoliates the skin.  Thus, it is very helpful for reducing age spots.

Simply, apply a few drops of lemon juice over the area having age spots and leave it for a good 15-20 mins. Since lemons are highly acidic, it is recommended to use this method 3 times a week.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar lightens the dark spots due to the presence of alpha-hydroxy acids in it.

It can be mixed with any carrier oil like rosehip, jojoba, or olive oil and can be kept for 15-20 mins on the skin. This method can be used on alternate days.

4. Onions:

Onions are rich in sulfur and other acids that speed up the process of skin exfoliation. They can be a good cure for age spots.

Simply, rub the slices of the onion juice on the concerned area and leave it for a while. Its juice can also be mixed with any other ingredient and applied. This method can be used 3-4 times a week.

5. Papaya:

Papayas are extremely rich in enzymes and contain alpha-hydroxy acids. Papayas help to exfoliate the skin and treat numerous skin problems.

The papaya slice can be rubbed on the skin where there are age spots. Alternatively, the papaya pulp can be turned into a paste and applied to the affected area. This can be done 3-4 times a week.

6. Turmeric:

Turmeric has been used in the Ayurveda for curing multiple skin problems. It is believed to be a potent ingredient for pigmentation.

A paste of turmeric with milk or lemon juice can be applied to the affected area. Rinse off after 15-20 mins. This method can be used every day, ideally at night. Turmeric leaves a yellow tint which might make it a bit difficult to use it during the day.

7. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are rich in Lycopene which acts as a natural sunscreen. Thus it can help to reverse the damage caused by the Sun.

Tomato paste can be applied to the affected area and massaged gently for a while. A few drops of lemon juice too can be added to it. This method can be used every day.

8. Almond Oil:

Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E. It is proven to improve skin conditions by lightening the spots and pigmentation.

Gently massage a few drops of almond oil on the affected area and leave it overnight. Regular usage of almond oil reduces the age spots. This method can be used daily twice a day.

9. Castor Oil:

Castor Oil contains ricinoleic acid and has anti-inflammatory properties. Massaging the affected area with castor oil can visibly reduce the spots. This method can be used daily twice or thrice a day.

10. Sandalwood:

Sandalwood helps to reduce blemishes and pigmentation on the skin. It is used to enhance beauty and visibly reduce the spots on the skin.

Sandalwood powder can be mixed with rosewater or curd and its paste can be applied to the affected area. This can be applied every day.

It should be kept in mind that natural ingredients do not deliver overnight results. It should be used consistently over a period of time for visible results.

Important tips to avoid early age spots

As said ‘Prevention is better than cure, age spots can be prevented by keeping in mind the following points:

  • Avoiding the sun at its peak hours: When the sun’s rays are very strong, usually from 10 to 4 pm, it is advisable to stay indoors. If you cannot do so, carry an umbrella or cover your face with a scarf.
  • Using a high SPF Sunscreen: One should always wear sunscreen before stepping out in the sun. Ideally, the sunscreen should be applied 15 mins before going out. Sunscreen protects the skin from UV damage.
  • Drinking lots of water: Water retains the moisture of the skin. Moisture-rich skin tends to get less affected by the sun. Hence, it is important to drink the required amount of water according to your body weight.
  • Eating foods rich in Vitamin D: Foods that are rich in Vitamin D protect the skin from the sun. Examples of such food are cereals, fish, orange, egg yolk, liver oil, etc.

It’s impossible to stay away from the sun always. Therefore, these tips are very useful to avoid age spots.