Stress is a physical or emotional feeling or response. It can be caused by events that make us sad, angry, threatened or upset our balance in one way or the other. The response is the body’s way of protecting us.

How Stress Causes Depression

One of the major outcomes of stress is depression. Stress can easily lead to depression. According to Ayurveda depression is mainly caused by an imbalance of doshas. A dosha is a fundamental principle in the body that goes out of balance. If it is left the way it is, the imbalance in doshas can cause more severe problems.

There are three types of doshas in the body:

Kapha dosha is the one that is the earth and water principle in the body. It is responsible to form the glue and structure of our bodies. The qualities of Kapha dosha are heaviness, slowness and steadiness. When there is an imbalance in Kapha dosha, depression starts to set in as a result of stress.

When depression sets in, at first there is an imbalance in the air principle (Vata dosha) and then the fire principle (Pitta dosha). The brain’s electrochemistry has an unpredictable overreaction to a stressful circumstance. This in turn activates loss of enzymatic activity in the metabolism.

The body as a response to this tries to glue everything down, and with it brings about heaviness, darkness, and stagnation. The mind-body translates this as a negative message of hopelessness and depression resulting in depression.

It can be understood in other words that, due to some particular etiological factors, Vata from the colon, pitta from the intestine, or Kapha from the stomach enters the general circulation and then enters the nervous system. The imbalance in these doshas does not permit the mind and the nervous system to function normally, hence causing depression.

Stress can be harmful and if not dealt with can take control over your body and mind. Dealing with stress is very easy and one must learn how to do it.

Here are the 6 ways to Manage Stress and prevent falling in Depression:

1. Having a daily routine

 Following a daily routine in your life ensures that you will never have stress as a part of your life. According to Sanskrit, this daily routine is called dinacharya. This means getting your daily cycle in sync with the natural cycle of the Sun, Moon, Earth and the other planets which are in our solar system.

To have a balanced mind, body and life, to prevent any disease or to get rid of any disease, Dinacharya is one of the best things that you follow. Plan your daily routine from the time you wake up in the morning till the time you go to bed. Prepare it correctly and follow it regularly in a disciplined manner without any excuses.

Have a fixed time of waking up, having your breakfast, dinner and lunch and a fixed time to go to bed. Take out time for your family and other important relationships. Include some mindful daily habits in your daily routine. To get relief from stress, it is very important to follow a daily routine in your life.

2. Get yourself a relaxing oil massage

A relaxing and rejuvenating oil massage is an important part of the daily routine. Ayurveda highly recommends it and believes it to be calming and pleasing for the mind and body. The muscles relax and release tension. This is an ancient method in Ayurveda. Most of the ancient Ayurvedic texts talk about oil massage and its multiple benefits.

You should give yourself a relaxing body massage with oil every day. It relieves fatigue, helps in pacifying the doshas and also provides stamina. Apart from this, it also enhances the complexion and lustre of the skin, promoting longevity and nourishment to all parts of the body.

3. Everyday Yoga for a healthy body and mind

 You should make Yoga a part of your daily routine if you want a stress-free life. Yoga helps in connecting the body to the mind and the mind to our soul. Yoga can be the best natural method to maintain good health and happiness. It makes us realize our inner self and our true nature.

4. Practice daily meditation

Some people consider meditation as worship Or a form of prayer. But this is not true.

Meditation in simplest terms means awareness. Anything which is done with awareness is meditation. Listening to the sound of the birds, watching your breath can be meditation too. Until and unless these activities are done stress-free without any other distraction in your mind, it is effective meditation.

You can also get into the practice of meditating for at least 20 mins daily. This will also help you to focus more and help free your mind from any tension or depression. It also helps to look at a stressful situation from a different viewpoint. It helps in reducing negative thoughts and energy and increases self-awareness and patience.

5. Receive Shirodhara

This is one of the ancient Ayurvedic therapies where slightly warm oil or any other liquid is used. The liquid is then poured over the forehead in a continuous stream. It helps in deep relaxation, rejuvenation and is loved by all. This treatment is best suitable to combat stress and any other imbalances of the nervous system. Shirodhara helps in balancing the doshas, soothes the mind and provides relaxation to the mind.

6. Destress yourself

Numerous natural ways can protect you from stress. To remain healthy physically and mentally, live in harmony with nature. You can go for Ayurvedic procedures like Panchakarma, other treatments related to it. Shirodhara, nasyam and massage help in balancing the dosha thereby reducing stress and depression. You can go for these procedures weekly or fortnightly.

Closing Words

Mental Health is real. It requires equal attention and care as your body. These are the 6 natural and tips from Ayurveda to go stress happy and lead a happy life. Following these tips will help you manage your stress and attain a peaceful life.